Literacy – week beginning 8th June

Captain Flinn and the Pirate Dinosaurs part 2

Click here to listen to the second half of last week’s story:

Task 1:
I would like you to have a go at writing some noun phrases.
What are noun phrases ?
A noun phrase gives extra information about a noun.
Nouns are names of people places or things.


e.g. telescope



I could add some describing words in front of the noun to make it sound more interesting. e.g. the old, wooden telescope.

I could add a preposition to give even more information.
e.g. the old, wooden telescope with gold edgings

I have now given the reader a really clear picture of what the telescope is like.

Have a look at this picture of the pirate ship. Choose some objects in the picture and use them to create some of your own noun phrases. I have included some vocabulary to help you.

Topic – week beginning 8th June

This week I would like you to enter a competition! If we win the competition we could win books for our school. There is £2000  worth of books to be won!

To enter the competition you need to design and write a postcard to children at a school in Saint Lucia, talking about your life in the UK and asking about the children’s lives in the Caribbean. What do you think the differences might be? What would be the best things about living in Saint Lucia? What would you like to see and do? For more inspiration, you can watch some videos from children at a Saint Lucian school.

On the back of the postcard, draw, paint or use different materials to create a picture inspired by Saint Lucia. This could focus on any element of the island – whether the landscape, the Piton Mountains, the history, the plants and animals, the people, day to day life…or even the chocolate!

Here is the post card template. You can download this from the competition website and use it or if you don’t have a printer you could draw it on a piece of paper. When you have made your postcard then take a picture and email it to me and I will print and send them. You could also print and post them to the school or drop them off at reception for me.

Click here for full competition details :

Maths – week beginning 8th June

Using Arrays
This week we will be learning about arrays. Watch the first video on this page to remind yourself what arrays are.

What is an array?

An array is a way of representing multiplication facts in a diagram or picture. It is always rectangular and made up of rows and columns.

An array is helpful for calculating multiplication statements, for example, 2 x 4 which can be shown using this array:

There are 2 rows of apples and 4 apples in each row.
  • There are 2 rows of apples and 4 apples in each row.

  • There are 4 columns of apples and 2 apples in each column.

This array shows the multiplication statements 2 x 4 and 4 x 2.

The array has 8 apples in total. This tells us that 2 x 4 and 4 x 2 are both equal to 8.

2 x 4 = 8 and 4 x 2 = 8

Task 1
Use the interactive tool that is under Activity 2 on the website to answer the questions.
It looks like this:

Task 2
Answer these questions.

Maths – week beginning 1st June

Starter: Odd and even numbers

Play this game to practise your odd and even numbers

LO: Make equal groups

Pencils come in packs of 20. We need to put 5 in each pot. How many pots do we need?

We could solve this by putting our 20 pencils into groups of 5. We then count how many groups we made:

There are 20 pencils.
There are 5 in each pot.
There are 4 pots altogether.

We could also count in 5s to see how many 5s in 20:
5     10     15     20 – there are four 5s in 20

Task: Work out how many pots you would need if you had:

  1. 30 pencils with 5 in each pot
  2. 15 pencils with 5 in each pot.
  3. 25 pencils with 5 in each pot.
  4. 12 pencils with 2 in each pot.
  5. 22 pencils with 2 in each pot.
  6. 30 pencils with 10 in each pot.
  7. 40 pencils with 10 in each pot.
  8. 15 pencils with 3 in each pot.
  9. 21 pencils with 3 in each pot.
  10. 24 pencils with 4 in each pot.

Problem of the week!

Literacy – week beginning 1st June

Captain Flinn and the Pirate Dinosaurs.

This week we are going to read another adventure from Captain Flinn. Click here to listen to the story.


Task 1:
Think about Captain Flinn. What do we know about him from the story so far? Draw an outline of Flinn and write everything we know about him around the picture. In a different colour you could also write how we know this e.g. He is kind – he asks ‘Whats the matter?’

Task 2:
Write some sentences to describe Captain Flinn. Use conjunctions in your sentences such as  ‘and, but, or, when, if, because.’

Here is an example:

Captain Flinn was brave when he crept closer and closer to the noise.

When you have finished, email me a picture of your work and I can share it on the blog.

Art – St Lucia – week beginning 1st June

This term we are going to learn about the island of St Lucia.

Have a look at these pictures of St Lucia. What different colours can you see?

An artist called Llewellyn Xavier painted pictures that represent the colours in St Lucia. Look at his pictures. What do you think the colours and shapes represent?

Choose some of the colours you see in the pictures of St Lucia and have a go at creating a picture in a similar style. You could use paints or you could use the paint program on Busy Things to create your artwork. Watch the video to find out how.


Half term project – design an island

Your half term  task is to design your own island home. You can draw a picture or make a model. You need to:

Use some natural features – Lakes, rivers, beaches, mountains, hills.
Use some manmade features – Roads, houses, shops, schools.

Now think about…

  1. Where will you live on your island?
  2. Where will you get your food from?
  3. How will you travel around the island?
  4. Who else lives on the island?
  5. Is there any wildlife on the island?
    Make sure you label your picture or model.

Here are some examples to help inspire you. Click on the pictures to enlarge them.

When you have made/drawn your island then send me a picture. Don’t forget to give it a name!

Study Ladder

Well done to all these children in Red Class who have earned certificates for their achievements on Study Ladder. Keep it up!



Bug Club help

I’m happy to see lots of children in Red Class have been reading books on Bug Club.

Inside each book you should see this symbol on some of the pages:

If you click on this bug you will be given some questions to answer to see if you understand the book. This will tell me if the book is the right level for you or if it is too easy or too hard. Make sure you read each page carefully before you answer the questions.

If you have any problems using Bug Club then please email me on the Year 2 email address.

English – week beginning 18th May

Captain Flynn and the Pirate Dinosaurs
First click this picture to listen to the story:

In this story Captain Flynn finds the dinosaurs on an island. Imagine you got stuck on an island. What would you like to have with you ?

Make a list.
You could include:
Food / drink / tastes
Clothes / items of clothing / accessories
Music / songs / composers / artists
Luxury items
Favourite things
Family / friends

If you like you could draw a picture of your island with all of your favourite things on it with you.

Now write some descriptive sentences to describe the things on your island. Add detail and exciting vocabulary. Here is an example:

My Desert Island Wish List

I would take…

a white chocolate chip fountain,

dripping down onto a sea of sparkly marshmallows;

fizzy coca-cola;

Toothless’s music, turned up to ten;

a shiny and sparkly invisibility cloak;

a really bouncy hopper;

the happy sound of the ice cream van;

I would take…

all the dragons there are in the world;

my brother, Archie;

a lot of bottles

so I could send letters to my friends;

happiness and laughter;

snow and ice;

How to Train Your Dragon and Harry Potter

toys and treasures.

by Joshua

Send me a photo of your work when you have done it and I will post a picture on the blog.