Maths – week beginning 22nd June

Look for this sheet in your home learning pack. Can you answer the questions? When you have finished mark them with the answer sheet in your pack.

Here are the answers to last weeks work. Did you get them all right ?

2D shapes
What can you remember about 2D shapes? Work through this lesson on the BBC bitesize website to learn more about them.

3D shapes
Now work though these activities to learn about 3D shapes.



Literacy – 22nd June

If you had books sent home last Tuesday then you will not have this work. Work your way through your books trying to do at least one page every day. This work is for the Year 2 children who received folders containing sets of worksheets.

Find this sheet in your home learning pack. Write out these spellings using your best handwriting. Ask someone at home to to test if you know them.

Find this sheet in your home learning pack. Can you write some sentences about the spooky house? Try and use some of the key words in your writing. Send me a picture of your work when you have finished. 

Here are the answers to last weeks reading comprehension. did you get them right?

Now find this sheet in your pack and answer the questions. Remember to read the text carefully. When you have finished use the answers to mark your work.

Complete this sheets from your home learning packs using some of your own descriptive words.

Now see how much grammar you can remember by completing this SPaG mat. You can use the answer booklet to mark your work and see which ones you got right.

Here are the answers to last weeks sheet. How many did you get right?


Maths – week beginning 15th June

Have a go at the questions below. Write the answers in the maths book you got in your home school pack. I will print the answers in the blog next week.

Position and Direction
Work through the activities on the bbc bitesize website to learn all about position and direction. Click the picture below to access the website.

Literacy – week beginning 15th June

Here are this weeks spellings. Write them out  5 times each on lined paper. Remember to look, say, cover, write, check.

Read this text about creepy crawlies then answer the questions. I will show the answers in next weeks blog.

Write some sentences about this picture. You can use the writing book that was in your home school pack to write your sentences in.

Have a go at answering these questions. I will show the answers in next weeks blog.