English – week beginning 27th April

English for the next few weeks is adapted from the following website. If you would like to work through it at your own pace please click here:


This week I am going to tell you the story of ‘The Elves and the Shoemaker’ to listen to the story please click here:

Here is the story if you would like to read it yourself:

Now you have read the story, see if you can answer the following questions at home:

Now do these activities:


If you have any questions post them in the comments.

Maths – week beginning 20th April


Lesson 1: Make Equal Parts

Click on this website and watch the video for week 1 lesson 1 to find out how to make equal parts https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-2/

Task: Have a go at the activity on the website or you could have a go at making some equal parts your self. You could use lego bricks, playdough or even pieces of fruit like oranges or apples. Try and write the sentence: There are __ equal parts. 

Lesson 2: Finding Half

Task: I want you to have a half party!

Think about what you want to eat in your party. Make a collection of food like this:

If you don’t want to use real food you could always make some with play dough or even draw some pictures.

Now divide the food on your plate into half so you can share it with a family member.

Remember to find half by sharing into two equal parts. 

You should now have 2 plates of food like this:

If you want to continue exploring halves then watch the videos and do the activities on the website for week 1 lesson 2 and 3.

Lesson 3: Finding Quarter

Task: Now you can have a quarter party!

Make another plate of food like the last lesson. This time you need to share your food between 4 people. When you share something into 4 equal parts it is called finding a quarter. Your plates should look a bit like this:

Did you make sure all your food is in equal parts?



If you want to continue exploring quarters then watch the videos and do the activities on the website for week 1 lessons 4 and 5.

Staying Healthy

As our Spring Term topic was ‘Staying Healthy’, have a go at making a healthy salad, you can use the following recipe or find one of your own.


What are the different cooking skills you will need to use? e.g. chopping, grating etc. Try some out with an adult’s help.

Think about food hygiene when you make your salad. Remember to wash your hands before you begin.


Spitalfields Farm are streaming free online cooking sessions. Why not join in with your family?




Who was Florence Nightingale?

Florence Nightingale was a famous British nurse who lived from 1820-1910. She helped to make hospitals cleaner places and wrote books about how to be a good nurse.

Watch the following clip and find out more about her life. Then complete the task based on what you have learned.

Florence Nightingale clip

Task: How did Florence Nightingale improve conditions in the army hospital ?

Draw a picture of the hospital before and after Florence Nightingale came to work there. Add some labels to explain how she improved it.

If you want to show me your pictures email a photo of them to admin and they can send them on to me.