History – week beginning 11th May

What is an Explorer ?
What do you think an explorer is? Tell someone in your family. What do explorers do?

Now watch this clip to find out about a famous explorer called Christopher Columbus:

I would like you to make a book to tell the story of Christopher Columbus. There are some book making ideas here:
Your book needs to have about 6 pages.

Now you have made your book you can add your story. Use the pictures below to help you tell it or you can choose which parts you think are important from the clip you watched. Try and include pictures and writing in your book.

Who was Florence Nightingale?

Florence Nightingale was a famous British nurse who lived from 1820-1910. She helped to make hospitals cleaner places and wrote books about how to be a good nurse.

Watch the following clip and find out more about her life. Then complete the task based on what you have learned.

Florence Nightingale clip

Task: How did Florence Nightingale improve conditions in the army hospital ?

Draw a picture of the hospital before and after Florence Nightingale came to work there. Add some labels to explain how she improved it.

If you want to show me your pictures email a photo of them to admin and they can send them on to me.