Maths Lesson 20.11.20

Practice counting back wards in 10s starting from different numbers. Fill in the missing numbers below:
72 __  __  42  __  __
97 __  __  __  __  47
83  __  63  __  __  __
91  __  __  __  51  __
104  __  __  __  __  __

LO: Taking away 10 using a number line
We have learnt to add 10s on a number line. Now we are going to learn to subtract 10s on a number line.

Follow these instructions then work out the calculations. 

93 – 20 =
56 – 40 =
48 – 20 =
84 – 50 =
62 – 30 =
75 – 60 =
31 – 10 =
60 – 20 =
89 – 30 =
92 – 70 =

Extra Challenge

Maths Lesson 18.11.20

Write out the numbers 1-20 in words. Can you spell them all ? Ask someone at home to test you.

LO: take away ones on a number line
Today you are going to learn how to takeaway on a number line. Look at the instructions below then complete the calculations.

19 – 3 =
17 – 6 =
18 – 5 =
26 – 3 =
29 – 8 =
23 – 7 =
31 – 6 =
44 – 9 =
50 – 2 =
89 – 5 =

Extra challenge:



Maths Lesson 17.11.20

Play this game to practice your number bonds to 10 and 20

LO: Adding a 2-digit and a 1-digit number

We having been learning to add on a number line. This is a very important method in year 2. Look at the following instructions to remind yourself what to do. Then answer the questions. Try and draw the number line even if you already know the answer in your head. This will help you when you have to add bigger numbers later in the year.

12 + 3 =
16 + 2 =
13 + 4 =
23 + 2 =
26 + 2 =
35 + 4 =
27 + 6 =
58 + 4 =
69 + 7 =
88 + 6 =

Extra challenge :
Now have a go at solving this problem.

Homework Friday 9th October

Login to Study ladder to practice this weeks math’s skills:

Remember that outside of school hours, Study ladder only lets you do 3 activities each day so try and choose different activities each time you login.


It is very important that children read regularly at home. In Year 2 at Hague we now use Bug Club texts to enhance our teaching of reading. It is important that children become familiar with using this program as it will soon replace paper texts for some children and is an extremely useful tool for teaching your children to read.

Please login with your children regularly and encourage them to read the online books and answer the questions.

Homework – Friday 17th September 2020

This week we have been consolidating our knowledge of number by revising numbers to 50.

For some extra practice watch the videos and complete the activities here:

The sheet from this website will be in your homework book. Please complete it and return your homework book to school by next Wednesday.


In phonics this week we have been learning alternative spelling for the ai phoneme.

To practise this spelling  please visit the phonics play website. You can login with username: march20 password: home.
Have a go at the investigating alternative spellings ai game. To access the website click here:

You will also find some spellings in your homework book. Please complete the sheet and learn the spellings.


Maths – week beginning 13th July

Look for this sheet in your home learning pack. Can you answer the questions? When you have finished mark them with the answer sheet in your pack.

Now work through these lessons from the BBC bitesize website. If the lessons involve a work sheet that you are unable to print then just choose the questions that you are able to do by copying them into your maths book.





Maths – week beginning 22nd June

Look for this sheet in your home learning pack. Can you answer the questions? When you have finished mark them with the answer sheet in your pack.

Here are the answers to last weeks work. Did you get them all right ?

2D shapes
What can you remember about 2D shapes? Work through this lesson on the BBC bitesize website to learn more about them.

3D shapes
Now work though these activities to learn about 3D shapes.



Maths – week beginning 15th June

Have a go at the questions below. Write the answers in the maths book you got in your home school pack. I will print the answers in the blog next week.

Position and Direction
Work through the activities on the bbc bitesize website to learn all about position and direction. Click the picture below to access the website.

Maths – week beginning 8th June

Using Arrays
This week we will be learning about arrays. Watch the first video on this page to remind yourself what arrays are.

What is an array?

An array is a way of representing multiplication facts in a diagram or picture. It is always rectangular and made up of rows and columns.

An array is helpful for calculating multiplication statements, for example, 2 x 4 which can be shown using this array:

There are 2 rows of apples and 4 apples in each row.
  • There are 2 rows of apples and 4 apples in each row.

  • There are 4 columns of apples and 2 apples in each column.

This array shows the multiplication statements 2 x 4 and 4 x 2.

The array has 8 apples in total. This tells us that 2 x 4 and 4 x 2 are both equal to 8.

2 x 4 = 8 and 4 x 2 = 8

Task 1
Use the interactive tool that is under Activity 2 on the website to answer the questions.
It looks like this:

Task 2
Answer these questions.

Maths – week beginning 1st June

Starter: Odd and even numbers

Play this game to practise your odd and even numbers

LO: Make equal groups

Pencils come in packs of 20. We need to put 5 in each pot. How many pots do we need?

We could solve this by putting our 20 pencils into groups of 5. We then count how many groups we made:

There are 20 pencils.
There are 5 in each pot.
There are 4 pots altogether.

We could also count in 5s to see how many 5s in 20:
5     10     15     20 – there are four 5s in 20

Task: Work out how many pots you would need if you had:

  1. 30 pencils with 5 in each pot
  2. 15 pencils with 5 in each pot.
  3. 25 pencils with 5 in each pot.
  4. 12 pencils with 2 in each pot.
  5. 22 pencils with 2 in each pot.
  6. 30 pencils with 10 in each pot.
  7. 40 pencils with 10 in each pot.
  8. 15 pencils with 3 in each pot.
  9. 21 pencils with 3 in each pot.
  10. 24 pencils with 4 in each pot.

Problem of the week!