Maths – Week beginning 18th May


Counting in 10s – Play this game to practise counting in 10s starting from different numbers.


You will need to select:
– sequencing
– counting in steps
– steps of 10

LO: Adding and Subtracting 10
Watch this clip for today’s lesson

Wild Cat Challenge (if you are finding this a bit tricky try these questions)

16 + 10 =

12 + 10 =

18 + 10 =

22 + 10 =

27 + 10 =

19 – 10 =

17 – 10 =

15 – 10 =

25 – 10 =

26 – 10 =

Cheetah challenge (if you think you understand then try these questions)

25 + 10 =

34 + 20 =

28 + 40 =

41 + 30 =

54 + 20 =

29 – 10 =

37 – 20 =

55 – 30 =

62 – 20 =

86 – 40 =

Lion challenge (if you want to challenge yourself then try these questions)


Problem of the week!
Here’s a game to play with an adult! This is a basic form of the ancient game of Nim.
How do you play?

You’ll need an adult to play with.
You will also need seven objects, such as counters or blocks.

Place the 7 counters in a pile and starting with the adult, take turns to take away either one or two counters.
The person who takes the last counter wins.
Swap who goes first, and keep playing until you work out a winning strategy.
Does it matter who has the first turn?
What happens when there are three counters left?
How can you win at this game?
What happens when you start the game with more counters?

Maths – week beginning 11th May

Lesson 1:

Can you remember how to count in 5s. Practise counting them forwards and backwards to 100.

LO: Fact families – addition and subtraction bonds to 20

This is a part whole model.
You can make lots of different calculations using these 3 numbers. For example:
3 + 17 = 20            17 + 3 = 20
20 = 3 + 17             20 = 17 + 3

20 – 3 = 17             20 – 17 = 3
3 = 20 – 17              17 = 20 – 3

These calculations are called a fact family.
Write down a fact family for all of the number bonds to 20 like I did for 3 + 17 =20.

Write down any incorrect calculations:

Lesson 2:

5 x table – multiplication facts

Can you write out the multiplication facts for the 5 x table?
Start like this:
1×5=5       5×1=5
5=1×5        5=5×1

LO: Compare number sentences

Do you remember what these symbols mean?
<    greater than
>    less than
=    equals or the same as

Add the symbols to these number sentences:
3 __ 6
7 __ 2
4 __ 4
14 __ 19
21 __ 12
Now solve these problems. Remember you have to work out the calculations first. You will have to write out the number sentences and add the symbol.

If you feel confident try this challenge:

Lesson 3


5 x table
Can you write out the division facts for the 5 x table?
Set them out like this:
5÷1=5          5÷5=1
5=5÷1           5=5÷5

LO: Add and subtract ones

Practise counting forwards and backwards to 100. You could make yourself a 1-100 number line by joining together some pieces of paper and writing on the numbers.

Now use your number line to answer these questions. Remember, to add or subtract 1 you only need to count forwards or backwards to the next number. You don’t need to count all of the number again.


Problem of the week!

Have a go at solving this weeks problem:

To help you may need to draw your own grid and draw and cut out 6 lady birds.



Maths – week beginning 4th May

Lesson 1


Can you remember how to count forwards and backwards in 2s to 100?

Play this game to help you practice:

Main lesson:

LO: Recognise a third

Click on the picture for today’s lesson

Now have a go at these questions:

Try this challenge:

Lesson 2:


2 x table

Can you learn your 2 x table multiplication facts?

Write them out like this:

3×2 =6          6 = 3×2

2×3 =6           6 = 2×3

4×2 = 8          8 = 4×2

2×4 = 8          8 =  2×4


Main Lesson:

LO: Find a third

Click on the picture for today’s lesson.

Try these questions:



Lesson 3:


2 x table division facts

Can you learn your 2 x table division facts?

Write them out like this:

6÷2 = 3                3= 6÷2

6÷3 = 2                 2 = 6÷3

8÷2= 4                  4 = 8÷2

8÷4 = 2                  2 = 8÷4

Main Lesson

Revision mat – Have a go at these questions to practise some of the maths skills we have learned this year:










Maths – week beginning 20th April


Lesson 1: Make Equal Parts

Click on this website and watch the video for week 1 lesson 1 to find out how to make equal parts

Task: Have a go at the activity on the website or you could have a go at making some equal parts your self. You could use lego bricks, playdough or even pieces of fruit like oranges or apples. Try and write the sentence: There are __ equal parts. 

Lesson 2: Finding Half

Task: I want you to have a half party!

Think about what you want to eat in your party. Make a collection of food like this:

If you don’t want to use real food you could always make some with play dough or even draw some pictures.

Now divide the food on your plate into half so you can share it with a family member.

Remember to find half by sharing into two equal parts. 

You should now have 2 plates of food like this:

If you want to continue exploring halves then watch the videos and do the activities on the website for week 1 lesson 2 and 3.

Lesson 3: Finding Quarter

Task: Now you can have a quarter party!

Make another plate of food like the last lesson. This time you need to share your food between 4 people. When you share something into 4 equal parts it is called finding a quarter. Your plates should look a bit like this:

Did you make sure all your food is in equal parts?



If you want to continue exploring quarters then watch the videos and do the activities on the website for week 1 lessons 4 and 5.