Literacy – week beginning 1st June

Captain Flinn and the Pirate Dinosaurs.

This week we are going to read another adventure from Captain Flinn. Click here to listen to the story.


Task 1:
Think about Captain Flinn. What do we know about him from the story so far? Draw an outline of Flinn and write everything we know about him around the picture. In a different colour you could also write how we know this e.g. He is kind – he asks ‘Whats the matter?’

Task 2:
Write some sentences to describe Captain Flinn. Use conjunctions in your sentences such asĀ  ‘and, but, or, when, if, because.’

Here is an example:

Captain Flinn was brave when he crept closer and closer to the noise.

When you have finished, email me a picture of your work and I can share it on the blog.

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