Maths Lesson 17.11.20

Play this game to practice your number bonds to 10 and 20

LO: Adding a 2-digit and a 1-digit number

We having been learning to add on a number line. This is a very important method in year 2. Look at the following instructions to remind yourself what to do. Then answer the questions. Try and draw the number line even if you already know the answer in your head. This will help you when you have to add bigger numbers later in the year.

12 + 3 =
16 + 2 =
13 + 4 =
23 + 2 =
26 + 2 =
35 + 4 =
27 + 6 =
58 + 4 =
69 + 7 =
88 + 6 =

Extra challenge :
Now have a go at solving this problem.

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