Home learning – Thursday 7th January 2021

Daily Timetable
Hi Red Class! This is what we will be doing today:
9:00 – Reading- Login to Bug club and read your book for 20 minutes. Make sure you answer  the questions whenever you see the green bug picture.
9.20 – Study Ladder – practise your maths skills on Study Ladder
9.45 – English – Join in with the Google Meet English lesson then carry on with your independent work afterwards.
10.45 – Break time – play a game with your family or you could do a Joe Wicks workout!
11.15 –  Maths – Join in with the Google Meet Maths lesson then carry on with your independent work afterwards.
12.15 – Lunch time!
1.15 – Phonics – Join in with the Google Meet Phonics lesson
1.45 – Science – independent work – look below for the Science lesson.
2.30 – Break time – play a game with your family or you could do a Joe Wicks workout!
2.45 – Sharing/Story time – join in with the Google Meet session.
3.15 – Relax!


There will be a google meet session at 9.45 to explain this work. Please login using the link sent to you via email to join in.

Today we are learning to: discuss and describe dogs.
Listen to the story:

How many different dogs did you spot? Which ones were your favourite ?
Now draw a picture of your favourite two dogs. Choose dogs that are very different.

Use these words to write three descriptive sentences about the dogs. You could also come up with your own words to use.

Dog Vocabulary
small   large   spotty     skinny   sweet  fluffy   sleek   barking wagging bouncy fast  slow  lazy naughty  playful noisy   fuzzy grumpy  jolly hungry  nervous

An example of a sentence could be:
I love scruffy dogs with muddy paws and neat dogs with sparkly gems on their collars.

There will be a google meet session at 11.15 to explain this work. Please login using the link sent to you via email to join in.

Today we are learning to: Make equal groups

Look at these apples. We can say: There are 2 equal groups with 3 in each group. There are 6 apples altogether.

Can you find another way to represent these groups. What objects in your house could you use ? Could you make 2 groups of 3 crayons or 2 groups of 3 grapes ? You can use anything you like. When you have come up with several ways to represent these groups you could make some different sets of equal groups e.g. 5 groups of 2  or 6 groups of 4. When you have made them take a photo and email the photo to me so I can see what you have done.

If you would like an extra challenge then you can watch this lesson and try these problems:



Our topic this term is: Materials
We are learning: to name different materials objects are made from and to discuss the properties of those materials. 

Find out all about materials by watching the videos and reading the information on the BBC bitesize website by clicking here:

Now go on a materials hunt around your home. Look at the objects you can see and try and work out what they are made from. Copy and fill in this table with the names of the objects:

What materials did you find? Why do you think they were made of the materials that they were? Write a sentence about one of the objects explaining this e.g.
I think that the door is made of wood because….


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