Home learning – Thursday 7th January 2021

Daily Timetable
Hi Red Class! This is what we will be doing today:
9:00 – Reading- Login to Bug club and read your book for 20 minutes. Make sure you answer  the questions whenever you see the green bug picture.
9.20 – Study Ladder – practise your maths skills on Study Ladder
9.45 – English – Join in with the Google Meet English lesson then carry on with your independent work afterwards.
10.45 – Break time – play a game with your family or you could do a Joe Wicks workout!
11.15 –  Maths – Join in with the Google Meet Maths lesson then carry on with your independent work afterwards.
12.15 – Lunch time!
1.15 – Phonics – Join in with the Google Meet Phonics lesson
1.45 – Science – independent work – look below for the Science lesson.
2.30 – Break time – play a game with your family or you could do a Joe Wicks workout!
2.45 – Sharing/Story time – join in with the Google Meet session.
3.15 – Relax!


There will be a google meet session at 9.45 to explain this work. Please login using the link sent to you via email to join in.

Today we are learning to: discuss and describe dogs.
Listen to the story:

How many different dogs did you spot? Which ones were your favourite ?
Now draw a picture of your favourite two dogs. Choose dogs that are very different.

Use these words to write three descriptive sentences about the dogs. You could also come up with your own words to use.

Dog Vocabulary
small   large   spotty     skinny   sweet  fluffy   sleek   barking wagging bouncy fast  slow  lazy naughty  playful noisy   fuzzy grumpy  jolly hungry  nervous

An example of a sentence could be:
I love scruffy dogs with muddy paws and neat dogs with sparkly gems on their collars.

There will be a google meet session at 11.15 to explain this work. Please login using the link sent to you via email to join in.

Today we are learning to: Make equal groups

Look at these apples. We can say: There are 2 equal groups with 3 in each group. There are 6 apples altogether.

Can you find another way to represent these groups. What objects in your house could you use ? Could you make 2 groups of 3 crayons or 2 groups of 3 grapes ? You can use anything you like. When you have come up with several ways to represent these groups you could make some different sets of equal groups e.g. 5 groups of 2  or 6 groups of 4. When you have made them take a photo and email the photo to me so I can see what you have done.

If you would like an extra challenge then you can watch this lesson and try these problems:



Our topic this term is: Materials
We are learning: to name different materials objects are made from and to discuss the properties of those materials. 

Find out all about materials by watching the videos and reading the information on the BBC bitesize website by clicking here:

Now go on a materials hunt around your home. Look at the objects you can see and try and work out what they are made from. Copy and fill in this table with the names of the objects:

What materials did you find? Why do you think they were made of the materials that they were? Write a sentence about one of the objects explaining this e.g.
I think that the door is made of wood because….


Home learning – Wednesday 6th January 2021

There will be a google meet session at 9.45 to explain this work. Please login using the link sent to you via email to join in.

We are going to be learning about Information Texts.

Information texts are Non-Fiction texts which give information on particular subjects. They are usually factual which means they are not made up like stories.

Task 1

  • Read and enjoy the information: All About Cats.
  • Now read the list of Key Features of Information Texts.
  • Look for the features  in All About Cats. Write out the features below on a piece of paper and note the features you find by ticking and writing a short example. If you can’t find a feature, write None in that line. 

Key Features of Information Texts.
Organisational Devices

Title: ______________________________________________
Bullet Points:_______________________________________
Information/fact boxes:____________________________
or italic words:_______________________________

Labelled diagram:_______________________________

Information sections/boxes:______________________

If you get stuck have a look at where I have labeled the different parts on this picture:

Challenge: Re-read All About Cats. Select and remember at least three facts about cats to tell someone at home. Can you learn any more cat facts off by heart? How many can you learn?

There will be a google meet session at 11.15 to explain this work. Please login using the link sent to you via email to join in.

This term we will be learning about Multiplication and Division
Today we will be learning to recognize equal groups.

Look at this picture:

How many smiley faces are in each group ?
How many groups are there ?

We can say: There are 3 groups with 3 in each group.
There are 9 faces altogether.

Draw these pictures onto a piece of paper. Complete the sentences to go with each picture:

 1. There are _____ groups with _____ in each group.
There are _______ cakes altogether.

 2. There are _____ groups with _____ in each group.
There are ___ apples altogether.

 3. There are _____ groups with _____ in each group.
There are _____ ducks altogether.

 4. There are _____ groups with _____ in each group.
There are ____ cakes altogether.

If you would like an extra challenge then you can watch this lesson and try these problems:




This term’s topic is:
Today we are learning to: 
identify China on a map.

Take a look at this map of China:

Now write down the answers to these questions in full sentences. e.g.

Name a country beginning with N that borders with China:
A country beginning with N that borders with China is Nepal.

  1. Name two oceans that surround China.
  2.  Name 2 rivers in China.
  3. Name a country beginning with M that shares a border with China.
  4. Name a city in China that begins with a B.
  5. Name a desert in China that begins with a T.
  6. Name 3 animals that live in China.
  7. Name a mountain range in China beginning with H.


Now watch this video to find out about what you might see if you went to China.

Think about what you would like to find out about China during our topic. Did you see anything on the video that made you want to learn more ?
Write down 3 questions that you would like to find out the answer to.

Ask your parents to email the questions to me and I will try to include them in our learning.



Christmas values assembly

In our values assembly this year we will be singing the song ‘Run Run Rudolph’ It will be on Wednesday 16th December at 2pm. Look out for an email from Emma with the Google Meet link.

You can practice the song by listening to it here:

Here are the lyrics. Can you try and learn as many of the words as you can ?

Run, run Rudolph

Out of all the reindeers you know you are the mastermind
Run, run Rudolph, Randolph ain’t too far behind
Run, run Rudolph, Santa’s gotta make it to town

Santa, make him hurry, tell him he can take the freeway down
Run, run Rudolph ’cause I’m reelin’ like a merry-go-round

Said Santa to a boy child, “What have you been longin’ for?”
“All I want for Christmas is a rock ‘n’ roll ‘lectric guitar”
And then away went Rudolph whizzin’ like a shootin’ star

Run, run Rudolph, Santa’s has to make it in town
Santa, make him hurry, tell him he can take the freeway down
Run, run Rudolph, reelin’ like a merry-go-round

Run, run Rudolph, Santa’s gotta make it to town
Santa, make him hurry, tell him he can take the freeway down
Run, run Rudolph, I’m reelin’ like a merry-go-round

Said Santa to a girl child, “What would please you most to get?”
“A little baby doll that can cry, sleep, drink and fret”
And then away went Rudolph, whizzin’ like a Saber jet

Run, run Rudolph, Santa’s gotta make it to town
Santa, make him hurry, tell him he can take the freeway down
Run, run Rudolph I’m reelin’ like a merry-go-round

English Lesson 20.11.20

Look at this picture then answer the questions:

Why do you think the birds have sat on the bonnet?

Who do you think is controlling the car?

If you saw this car above you in the sky, what would you do?

What would the world be like if everyone could travel like this?


Can you invent a new way to travel? It might be over the land, in the sea or through the air.

Draw and describe your invention.

Maths Lesson 20.11.20

Practice counting back wards in 10s starting from different numbers. Fill in the missing numbers below:
72 __  __  42  __  __
97 __  __  __  __  47
83  __  63  __  __  __
91  __  __  __  51  __
104  __  __  __  __  __

LO: Taking away 10 using a number line
We have learnt to add 10s on a number line. Now we are going to learn to subtract 10s on a number line.

Follow these instructions then work out the calculations. 

93 – 20 =
56 – 40 =
48 – 20 =
84 – 50 =
62 – 30 =
75 – 60 =
31 – 10 =
60 – 20 =
89 – 30 =
92 – 70 =

Extra Challenge

English Lesson 19.11.20

Today we are going to carry on developing sentences about the dragon.
Look at this picture:

What is the dragon doing?
Use the word bank to write some sentences for example:
As he flew through the sky, he glared at his future victims.

Try and write 3 different sentences.  Which one do you like the best ?

Maths lesson 19.11.20

Practice counting in 10s starting from different numbers. Fill in the missing numbers below:
12  __  __  42  __  __
7 __  __  __  __  57
29  __  __  __  __  __
33  __  __  __  __  __
41  __  __  __  __  __

LO: Adding 10 using a number line
We have learnt to add 1s on a number line. Now we are going to learn to add 10s on a number line. We already know how to add 10s using the 100 square but a number line will help us when we want to add larger numbers.

Follow these instructions then work out the calculations.

16 + 20 =
18 + 40 =
23 + 30 =
21 + 50 =
45 + 30 =
39 + 60 =
62 + 20 =
57 + 30 =
36 + 40 =
68 + 50 =

Extra Challenge:

Choose 2 of these numbers to add together:
32    40     6     20

How many different totals can you make ?
What is the greatest number you can make ?
What is the smallest number you can make ?


Maths Lesson 18.11.20

Write out the numbers 1-20 in words. Can you spell them all ? Ask someone at home to test you.

LO: take away ones on a number line
Today you are going to learn how to takeaway on a number line. Look at the instructions below then complete the calculations.

19 – 3 =
17 – 6 =
18 – 5 =
26 – 3 =
29 – 8 =
23 – 7 =
31 – 6 =
44 – 9 =
50 – 2 =
89 – 5 =

Extra challenge:



English Lesson 18.11.20

Today we are going to continue writing exciting sentences that we will be able to use in our recount next week.

Look at the picture of the dragon’s cave. Can you see the skulls and bones? Today we are going to write a sentence about them to make the cave sound more gruesome and terrifying.

Use the word bank to choose some words that could finish this sentence:
Around the cave there were ___________________________ .

Here is an example:
Around the cave there were old bones that had been chewed on and dusty skulls of past victims.

Now write your own. You could try out some different sentences with different word choices. Which one sounds the best?

English Lesson 17.11.20

George and the Dragon
We have been learning to write interesting words and phrases that we can use to write our own recount of the ‘George and the Dragon’ story next week.

Today we will be learning how to describe the dragon.
Here is a picture of him:

Task 1
Here are some words we will use to describe the dragon. Do you know what the words mean ? Look up any unknown words in the dictionary:

Now write some phrases to describe what the dragon looks like e.g  scaly tail  or sharp claws. You can use the vocabulary above or come up with your own words.

When you have written some phrases, use them to  complete the following sentence:
The dragon had ________ .
Can you write a really exciting sentence that puts a picture of the dragon in the readers mind ?
Here is an example:
The dragon had huge, red wings and teeth as sharp as knives.

Task 2
Look at the words below.

Can you use them to write some sentences about how the dragon moved?
e.g. The dragon glared menacingly.
When you have written your sentences, you could act them out, pretending you are the dragon. What do your sentences tell you to do ?