English Lesson 20.11.20

Look at this picture then answer the questions:

Why do you think the birds have sat on the bonnet?

Who do you think is controlling the car?

If you saw this car above you in the sky, what would you do?

What would the world be like if everyone could travel like this?


Can you invent a new way to travel? It might be over the land, in the sea or through the air.

Draw and describe your invention.

English Lesson 19.11.20

Today we are going to carry on developing sentences about the dragon.
Look at this picture:

What is the dragon doing?
Use the word bank to write some sentences for example:
As he flew through the sky, he glared at his future victims.

Try and write 3 different sentences.  Which one do you like the best ?

English Lesson 18.11.20

Today we are going to continue writing exciting sentences that we will be able to use in our recount next week.

Look at the picture of the dragon’s cave. Can you see the skulls and bones? Today we are going to write a sentence about them to make the cave sound more gruesome and terrifying.

Use the word bank to choose some words that could finish this sentence:
Around the cave there were ___________________________ .

Here is an example:
Around the cave there were old bones that had been chewed on and dusty skulls of past victims.

Now write your own. You could try out some different sentences with different word choices. Which one sounds the best?

English Lesson 17.11.20

George and the Dragon
We have been learning to write interesting words and phrases that we can use to write our own recount of the ‘George and the Dragon’ story next week.

Today we will be learning how to describe the dragon.
Here is a picture of him:

Task 1
Here are some words we will use to describe the dragon. Do you know what the words mean ? Look up any unknown words in the dictionary:

Now write some phrases to describe what the dragon looks like e.g  scaly tail  or sharp claws. You can use the vocabulary above or come up with your own words.

When you have written some phrases, use them to  complete the following sentence:
The dragon had ________ .
Can you write a really exciting sentence that puts a picture of the dragon in the readers mind ?
Here is an example:
The dragon had huge, red wings and teeth as sharp as knives.

Task 2
Look at the words below.

Can you use them to write some sentences about how the dragon moved?
e.g. The dragon glared menacingly.
When you have written your sentences, you could act them out, pretending you are the dragon. What do your sentences tell you to do ?


Homework Friday 9th October

Login to Study ladder to practice this weeks math’s skills:

Remember that outside of school hours, Study ladder only lets you do 3 activities each day so try and choose different activities each time you login.


It is very important that children read regularly at home. In Year 2 at Hague we now use Bug Club texts to enhance our teaching of reading. It is important that children become familiar with using this program as it will soon replace paper texts for some children and is an extremely useful tool for teaching your children to read.

Please login with your children regularly and encourage them to read the online books and answer the questions.

Homework – Friday 17th September 2020

This week we have been consolidating our knowledge of number by revising numbers to 50.

For some extra practice watch the videos and complete the activities here:

The sheet from this website will be in your homework book. Please complete it and return your homework book to school by next Wednesday.


In phonics this week we have been learning alternative spelling for the ai phoneme.

To practise this spelling  please visit the phonics play website. You can login with username: march20 password: home.
Have a go at the investigating alternative spellings ai game. To access the website click here:

You will also find some spellings in your homework book. Please complete the sheet and learn the spellings.


Literacy – week beginning 13th July

If you had books sent home then you will not have this work. Work your way through your books trying to do at least one page every day. This work is for the Year 2 children who received folders containing sets of worksheets.

Find this sheet in your home learning pack. Write out these spellings using your best handwriting. Ask someone at home to test if you know them.

Find this sheet in your home learning pack. Can you write some sentences about the pirate ship? Try and use some of the key words in your writing. Send me a picture of your work when you have finished.

Now find this sheet in your pack and answer the questions. Remember to read the text carefully. When you have finished use the answers to mark your work.

See how much grammar you can remember by completing this SPaG mat. You can use the answer booklet to mark your work and see which ones you got right.

Literacy – 22nd June

If you had books sent home last Tuesday then you will not have this work. Work your way through your books trying to do at least one page every day. This work is for the Year 2 children who received folders containing sets of worksheets.

Find this sheet in your home learning pack. Write out these spellings using your best handwriting. Ask someone at home to to test if you know them.

Find this sheet in your home learning pack. Can you write some sentences about the spooky house? Try and use some of the key words in your writing. Send me a picture of your work when you have finished. 

Here are the answers to last weeks reading comprehension. did you get them right?

Now find this sheet in your pack and answer the questions. Remember to read the text carefully. When you have finished use the answers to mark your work.

Complete this sheets from your home learning packs using some of your own descriptive words.

Now see how much grammar you can remember by completing this SPaG mat. You can use the answer booklet to mark your work and see which ones you got right.

Here are the answers to last weeks sheet. How many did you get right?


Literacy – week beginning 15th June

Here are this weeks spellings. Write them out  5 times each on lined paper. Remember to look, say, cover, write, check.

Read this text about creepy crawlies then answer the questions. I will show the answers in next weeks blog.

Write some sentences about this picture. You can use the writing book that was in your home school pack to write your sentences in.

Have a go at answering these questions. I will show the answers in next weeks blog.

Literacy – week beginning 8th June

Captain Flinn and the Pirate Dinosaurs part 2

Click here to listen to the second half of last week’s story:

Task 1:
I would like you to have a go at writing some noun phrases.
What are noun phrases ?
A noun phrase gives extra information about a noun.
Nouns are names of people places or things.


e.g. telescope



I could add some describing words in front of the noun to make it sound more interesting. e.g. the old, wooden telescope.

I could add a preposition to give even more information.
e.g. the old, wooden telescope with gold edgings

I have now given the reader a really clear picture of what the telescope is like.

Have a look at this picture of the pirate ship. Choose some objects in the picture and use them to create some of your own noun phrases. I have included some vocabulary to help you.