We are supporting Unicef UK’s OutRight campaign!

Green class have been learning all about London this term. As part of Outright’s speak out on air pollution and for the right to a clean, safe environment, we decided to explore the some of the busy roads near our school.

We recorded the vehicles which went past on a tally chart.

Have a look at our results…

Valance Road

Finnis Street

Bethnal Green Road

We found out that Bethnal Green Road was the busiest road with the most vehicles driving past.

We also found out that Finis Street was least busy with smallest number of vehicles driving past.

In class, we discussed some of the ways we can reduce vehicle pollution when travelling to school. We can do this by, walking, taking public transport or riding a bike/scooter to school.

What will you do differently to help reduce air pollution in the area?

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Five reasons why you should walk to school

There are many benefits to walking to school. We have been making a personal commitment to reducing the number of times we are driven to school. Year 5 have come up with our top five reasons for walking.

  1. Walking to school is great for your health because you develop a high level of endurance and it gets your blood flowing around the body.
  2. The fresh, morning air will wake you up,  put you in a great mood and make you ready to tackle the challenges of the day.
  3. Driving to school is bad for the environment as it burns fuel, which releases pollution into the air. This reduces the air quality and can cause breathing problems for many people, especially children with asthma and allergies.
  4. Walking to school is a great time to spend talking to your family and friends. It is also an opportunity for parents to catch up with their friends while doing the morning school run.
  5. Driving to school can be very expensive because you need to pay for fuel.

I hope these reasons have convinced you and your family to walk to school more often.

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Discovery Centre Stratford

Yellow class visited the Discovery Centre in Stratford.

We had lots of fun creating stories in the Julia Donaldson world.





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Black History Month in Yellow Class

We have been looking at Kente Patterns from countries in west Africa.

We looked for some patterns on people’s clothes in the book we were reading, ‘Catch that Goat’ by Polly Alakija.

We wove our patterns together to make them look like Kente fabric. Can you find our Kente patterns? They are on a display somewhere in school.

We also made Kente patterns in our playground. Come and see if you can spot them.

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How clean is the air you breathe?

All children have the right to the best possible health. This includes  nutritious food, clean water and a clean environment.

Lots of people are worried about the quality of the air in London. There are lots of cars, lorries and buses which emit waste gas into our air. Some of these gases are very bad for or health.

At Hague we wanted to find out about the quality of the air around our school so we have installed a diffusion tube. This will measure the amount of Nitrogen Dioxide. Nitrogen Dioxide is a gas which can damage children’s lungs and airways.

Look out for the tube which will be in our playground for the next few weeks absorbing the Nitrogen Dioxide. After that we will send it off to a laboratory to find out how bad our air is.

What could you do to improve the quality of our air?


  • walking or cycling rather than using a car.
  • planting more trees and bushes.
  • save energy by turning off lights and appliance when you are not using them.


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We’re having lots of fun!

Yellow class are having lots of fun and have settled into their new class really well. We have been having fun on our new equipment outside.

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Do you know how to stay safe around electricity?

Year 4 have been finding out about electricity. We decided that so many aspects of our lives would be different without electricity.

Mains electricity can be dangerous. The children used these websites to find out about what steps we need to take to keep ourselves safe. Why don’t you have a play and see what dangers you can find.

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Can you guess what animal this is?


Yellow class put this hedgehog detective kit outside in the early years playground Friday afternoon. We wanted to know if any animals come into our playground when we are not here. This is what we found.

Yellow class used the detective sheet to work out what animal it was. What do you  think?

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Timeline of the Earth

Year 6 used some toilet rolls to make a timeline of the Earth.

“I was surprised that humans have been around for such a short amount of time.” Zakiyyah.

“I am surprised that dinosaurs appeared quite late in the timeline of the Earth.” Rayhan.

“I am surprised by how long it took each event to appear on the timeline at the start, but then changes happened very quickly nearer the end.” Tharah.

“I am surprised by how many events and changes happened before humans appeared on Earth.” Radiya.

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We’re having lots of fun!

We have settled into our new class and are having lots of fun on our new equipment outside.


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