Windrush Day 2020

What is Windrush Day?

Windrush Day is celebrated all over the country on 22nd June.

It is a special day to remember the first generation of people from the Caribbean, who came over to the UK by invitation to help rebuild Britain after the World War Two.

But when they arrived here to live and work, they were often met with hostility, prejudice and racism.

Click on the picture to hear Baroness Floella Benjamin tell us their story and why it is important to celebrate the bravery of the Windrush generation.

What is racism and what can be done about it?

With protests and demonstrations taking place around the globe in recent weeks and people talking about removing old statues, it’s likely you’ve heard the word ‘racism’ a lot recently.

Racism is where someone treats another person differently because their skin colour is not the same as theirs, they speak a different language or have different religious beliefs, for example.

Click on the picture to find out what racism is, where it comes from and what you can do if you see or suffer from racism.

Here are some ideas of ways that you can celebrate Windrush day at home.

Time to Get Creative 

Design a ship 

Many Caribbean’s travelled on the HMT Empire Windrush ship from Jamaica all the way to England. Design your own ship, you can make a ship, use lego, draw it on paper or even on a tablet. If you were going on a long trip what would you bring with you?

What makes me special?

Many people travelling on the Windrush had skills that they could use to help them in their new life in the UK. Every person is special and has something to offer in our world today. What makes you special? What are you good at? Is there anything new that you have learnt during your time at home?

Sesame Street: What Makes You Special?



Kitchen fun

If you have loved spending time in the kitchen with your families, you could make something special for Windrush day. You could make a Jamaican ginger cake or even make a healthy carrot juice or a tropical fruit salad.

Our world

Using google maps, a globe or a picture of the world. Where are we on the map? What country do we live in? Can you find the Caribbean? Have you heard of any islands in the Caribbean?

One fact

We know that you are all great at learning new things. Why not learn one fact about the Caribbean. Many passengers on the Windrush were from Jamaica. Can you find out a fact about Jamaica eg What is the national bird? What is the weather like? Or what their flag looks like?


London Is The Place For Me



Sesame Street: I’m Really Glad I’m Me




For the children in Year 5&6 (and the adults at home) this book, by the Windrush Foundation, highlights 70 of the pioneers and champions that have contributed, and continue to contribute, to the well-being and prosperity of Great Britain.

Marking Contributions

One way to remember the contribution of someone who has helped to make the country a better place is to remember their contribution. There are lots of examples of  special stamps or images of people on bank notes to celebrate achievement.

There are a very small number of people commemorated in this way from the Windrush generation. Use the book to find someone whose story connects with you, someone who had been a pioneer or a champion. Design and make a banknote, stamp, model of a statue or a short film about this person.

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