Animals of the rainforest research

Year 4 are finding out about what animals live in the rainforest.

Here are some websites that might help with your research.

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How can animals survive in different habitats?

Year 2 are researching how animals manage to survive in habitats which might be very hot, very cold, very wet or very dry.
These 2 websites will help you to find out how the animals adapt.


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Keeping your teeth healthy

Year 2 have been learning how to keep their teeth clean.
Some people brushed their teeth for 2 minutes, some only brushed for one minutes and some didn’t use toothpaste. One group of people didn’t brush their teeth at all.
We used coloured tablets to see how clean our teeth were.
We found out it is best to brush for 2 minutes using tooth paste.

“If you eat sweets and don’t brush your teeth, all the plaque will go through your enamel and into the pulp.This will hurt!” Abdullah.
“Sweets can hurt your teeth.” Cammar.
“If you don’t brush your teeth you will get tooth ache and your teeth will go rotten.” Emah

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Making healthy choices

Year 6 have been learning about the human body and how to live a healthy life.

Watch their videos. Which ones would persuade you to make a change and live a healthier life?


Cardiovascular disease 2








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London Zoo

On the 1st march Yellow Class visited London Zoo.

We had lots of fun and saw lots of animals.

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Bow Bus Garage

On Wednesday Yellow Class went to Bow Bus garage. We were very excited waiting at the bus stop for the bus to come.

When we got to the garage Lance came onto the bus and we asked him all the questions we had been thinking about at school.

Then we  went down stairs and everyone had a turn in the drivers seat, beeping the horn and opening the doors. Some children also turned the lights on and off.


Next we drove round to the pit were the buses that have broken down are fixed.

Before coming back to school we said ‘thank you’ to all the people who had shown us around and looked after us at the bus garage.


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yellow class vehicle races

Yellow Class had a holiday challenge to build any vehicle they wanted with the help of their families

We took our vehicles into the hall and had races to see which vehicle traveled the furthest.


The results of the races were:

Big vehicles – 1st Tahiya, 2nd Maria, 3rd Musa.

Smaller vehicles – 1st Yaseen, 2nd Tasby, 3rd Zayna.

Smaller vehicles 2 – 1st Ridwan, 2nd Amina, 3rd Farhan.

Boats – 1st Yahya, 2nd Shabrina, 3rd Rahifa.

rockets and planes – 1st Neidas, 2nd Rizwan, 3rd Sahiba.

Non pushing vehicles – Draw between Eesa and Ayaan.

Most Passengers – Ayat.

Best collaboration with an adult at home – Musa






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Festivals of Light

At the end of the Autumn term Rainbow class learnt all about different Festivals of Light.  We talked about the similarities and differences in how we all celebrate  with our friends and families. We made Diva’s for Diwali.

Rainbow class joined together with Yellow class in Reception to learn to cook a variety of Celebration foods from India, Somalia, Mexico and Britain.

We presented an Assembly showcasing our learning to parents. Children also had a fantastic time at Hague school Christmas Dinner.

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Year 6 School Journey Websites

Year 6 have been making websites about their school journey experiences. Have a look through their work here:

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Tiger Cafe

Yellow Class have been reading ‘The Tiger Who Came To Tea’.

We decided to have our own tiger cafe and invite our parents.

We had lots of fun taking the orders, serving our parents and collecting the money when they had finished.





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