Five reasons why you should walk to school

There are many benefits to walking to school. We have been making a personal commitment to reducing the number of times we are driven to school. Year 5 have come up with our top five reasons for walking.

  1. Walking to school is great for your health because you develop a high level of endurance and it gets your blood flowing around the body.
  2. The fresh, morning air will wake you up,  put you in a great mood and make you ready to tackle the challenges of the day.
  3. Driving to school is bad for the environment as it burns fuel, which releases pollution into the air. This reduces the air quality and can cause breathing problems for many people, especially children with asthma and allergies.
  4. Walking to school is a great time to spend talking to your family and friends. It is also an opportunity for parents to catch up with their friends while doing the morning school run.
  5. Driving to school can be very expensive because you need to pay for fuel.

I hope these reasons have convinced you and your family to walk to school more often.

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1 Response to Five reasons why you should walk to school

  1. Judy says:

    Thank you to Year 5 for thinking about the benefits of walking to school.
    Gets you fit, time to talk and you don’t get stuck in traffic or caught up in the drop off jams around Finnis Street and Wilmot Street.

    I love seeing everyone walking or running to get in before the 8.55am bell.

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