Birds nesting in nursery playground

Today rainbow class noticed some sparrows had made a nest in the bricks in the wall. We spent a lot of time watching the mummy and daddy birds bringing food to the babies and listening to the babies cheeping. Can you see the mummy bird coming out of the nest?


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Journey into the digestive system

Year 6 have been learning about the digestive system. We applied our knowledge to write a science fiction story – imagining we had been swallowed alive! Here is Sulayman’s story – a great example.

Sulayman’s digestive system story writing.docx


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Exploring magnets

Year 3 have been exploring magnets in their science lessons. We were trying to find out the answer to 3 questions. Can you identify what question each group are answering?

  1. which magnet is the strongest?
  2. what is the greatest distance a magnet can attract another object from?
  3. how many layers of card can a magnet work through?
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Chicks arrive in Nursery

There was great excitement in rainbow class today as 2 of our eggs had hatched overnight and we had 2 fluffy yellow chicks. Some children were able to watch a 3rd hatching out during the morning.

Watch them live on our webcam.

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Reading in Rainbow Class

Reading together is fun in Rainbow Class! Please bring your reading book to change every Tuesday morning. We ask all parents to come in and read with your child on Tuesdays 9 am – 9.30 am and to help them to choose a book. Talk to them about the books they like and which stories have been their favourites this term. 

This term we have been learning about the story of Mr Gumpy’s Outing by John Burningham and the children enjoyed acting out the story in a boat outside. 

In March we read the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff . Rainbow class loved this story which you can find online and in the Idea Store Whitechapel.  We drew a story map of the story together and children acted out the story with words and actions. In our outside area Rainbow class role played the story with puppets and their own block bridges. They were encouraged to draw pictures to help them to retell the story. Children have made concertina books about the story and parents can come in to read their children’s own Billy Goat Gruff stories on our Mark Making display. 

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Outside learning

Outside learning is very important to the early years curriculum at Hague and we have been doing a range of exciting outside activities this term.  Rainbow class walked to Collingwood Children’s Centre to do a nature hunt in their outside space.  Thank you to all parents who supported this trip to Collingwood and helped their children to investigate the nature and activities at Collingwood. 


We have begun a project to grow potatoes in the Early years garden. Children planted seed potatoes and we will be measuring the plants as they grow. Well done to Rainbow Class for watering their plants so well! We can already see some shoots are now growing.

In February we visited Spitalfields Farm with the children and their parents.  


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