Halves and Quarters:
Lesson 1: Finding half of an amount. Did you do last week’s work on cutting shapes in half? Now we will find half of an amount. First watch the video.
Now make your own lady birds. Remember to share the spots equally between the 2 wings so half are on each wing.
What numbers can you halve and what numbers are hard to halve? eg 6 spots, 8 spots, 10 spots, 14 spots.
You can also practice halves on p37 of your Key Stage 1 maths book.
Lesson 2: What is a quarter? We find a quarter by cutting a shape into 4 equal parts. Look at the video.
Then copy some of these shapes.
Can you colour in 1/4 of each shape?
Lesson 3: Finding a quarter of an amount. Watch the video. Remember we find a quarter by sharing into 4 equal groups.
Explore different numbers. What numbers can you share into quarters? Can you share these numbers into 4 equal parts? 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 17, 20?
You can also practice quarters on p39 of your Key Stage 1 maths book.
Lesson 4: Do you feel confident in finding halves and quarters? Why not try my quiz to see how well you do. Remember to include your name.
I wonder how many points you will score!