EYFS maths w/b 25th May

Subtraction Lego Game - The Kindergarten ConnectionThis game is best played with a partner, although you could play it with a small group of students too, as the object of the game is to see who can lose all of their bricks first!This week we are looking at take away and I would like you to play some games. Make a tower for each person playing with 10 bricks in it. Take it in turns to roll a dice and take away the number of bricks it shows. The winner gets rid of their bricks the quickest.




Subtraction bowling


Another game to play is skittles. Collect 10 things that are easy to knock down, half full plastic bottles, cups, toys, anything! Then get a ball and take it in turns to try and knock them down. Can you record how many left by taking away the ones that fell down? You could even write it as a sum.

Could you come up with your own game to help your practice taking away?

There are lots of activities on Busy Things too. Learn Through Play with Busy Things! | Busy Things

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